Top 10 Apps for Productivity

Top 10 Apps for Productivity

Smartphones are now part of our lives, and we will feel incomplete without our Mobile. This is true that Smartphone is making your life easy. We use multiple apps daily for Social Networking, Games, or Entertainment. But did you know that there are many productivity apps that will help make your daily life’s tasks easy and simple and increase your productivity? Do you know to learn about these apps? So today, I am going to share the Top 10 Apps for Productivity.

Top 10 Apps for Productivity


Trello is one of the very famous and easy-to-use Project Management App. I am personally using Trello for the last many years. In Trello App, you can easily add To Do, On-Going, and Done Tasks Categories and add your tasks accordingly. Trello enables you to assign tasks to your relevant employees or colleagues, and your employees or colleagues will update you on the progress or requirements they need to finish their job.

Google Documents

Google Documents is one of the best apps for productivity, saving all of your documents in one place. And anytime you can easily share or edit your documents or sheets. You can also give access to your colleagues for modifying your documents. Google Documents also gives you the option of Comments to highlight changes or add notes. After every comment, all the people who have access to the document will get a notification to stay updated.

Last Pass

Like me, are you one of those people who forgot their passwords? Many people face the issue of forgetting passwords, and then there is a very lengthy process of password recovery. And sometimes, it becomes impossible to recover passwords. And in case of impossibility of password recovery, there is a massive risk of important data or business loss.

But don’t worry, Last Pass is the best App for you. It will help you save all of your passwords in one place with the auto-fill option. Last Pass also allows you safely keep your important notes and addresses in one place. Last Pass is a secure app that is password-protected, so no one can access your passwords and your important documents.


In professional life, managing Time for meetings is a complicated task. Clients send you Emails or Whatsapp messages for meeting time, but you select another time because of your unavailability at that specific time. And Many times Client is not available at your specified time. Do you want to get rid of that hectic and lengthy process?

Calendly enables you to add all of your meetings in the Calendar and send your Calendar link to anyone. A person having your calendars link will check your available time slots and choose the best available time slot for him.


I really love Toggl app, due to its clean and simple interface. Toggl is one of the best app for time tracking. If you are a freelancer, Developer, Artist, etc. working on pay per hour basis and wants to measure your working hours and send your working hours report to your clients. Then Toggl is the best app for your daily work. Start using Toggl App now and make your life easy and simple!

Mind Meister

Mind Meister is the best app for Students, Entrepreneurship, Businessman Owners, Content Creators, etc. As we know that, Mind Mapping is very important to accomplish any task. It helps you in Business Situations, event planning, creative campaigns, etc.

All of us do mind mapping on paper before any project individually or in a team. Mind Meister helps you to do real-time mind mapping digitally on your Smartphone individually or in a group. You can also select your theme, images, colors, and mind map format according to your choice. All of your data will be saved on the cloud, and you can easily access your saved mind maps at any get rid of paper, save the planet, and use Mind Meister now!

Facebook Creator Studio

Facebook Creator Studio is one of my favorite app and makes life easy for many Social Media Marketers like me. Creator Studio helps you to manage all of your Facebook and Instagram pages at one place. And enables you to check performance or Audience insights, Publishing or Scheduling content of multiple pages you are handling. You can also check and reply to conversations or comments of your clients. So if you are a Social Media Marketer like me, you can also install Facebook Creator Studio like me and make your work easy and productive.


Done is one of my favorite app, making my life very easy. I often forgot my important tasks and Meetings, due to which I faced many losses. Do you also forget important tasks and meetings? Then done is most suitable app for you. Done helps us to write down all of our daily tasks or meetings in one place, and after completing that task, we can also mark down your task as complete. Or Delete that task permanently and add new tasks.


Nowadays, everyone is too attached to their Smartphones. People are going away from health activities like Sports, Social Gatherings, Book reading, etc. The world is now a Global Village, We are connected to the whole world, but we don’t have time to sit and enjoy ourselves with real friends and family.

Are you a person like me who is too attached to his smartphone? And unable to stay away from your Mobile phone during Study, or some other important work. Then let’s try a Forest App. It’s an exciting and productive app to stay focused. If you want to stay focused on any task like Study, Business Related Work, Social Gathering, or Sports, open Forest App, set your goal and time you want to stay away from your smartphone, and plant a tree. If you do not close that app until your selected time, you will plant a tree, and if you close that app before that time, your tree will die. So stay focused towards your goal and enjoy your virtual forest.


I was the person who was very irresponsible about my health. I always forgot to take care of my health due to work pressure. Are you one of those people who failed to take care of their health due to workload? Then here is the solution!

Habitica is one of the unique app I am using. One of the best point of Habitica App is that it helps you to maintain a work-life balance. You can add both your professional and Health tasks at the same place. After completing your professional tasks or health goals, you will get points, and more points you will earn can help you unlock new amazing features of the app.


Hypercontext is a very professional apps for productivity in corporate life. It helps you and your team to manage all the meetings and agendas in one place. In this app, Managers share data, targets, and feedback to employees. At the same time, Employees can also participate in conversations and feedback.

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